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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  October 18, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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up by kill the cougars. >> and they have a tomorrower presidential candidate on their side. >> it is all about religion. freedom is what this country was based on. >> they are disrespecting the diversity of the state. >> tonight the ruling from the judge. >> and they say it felt like an earthquake. a meteor the size of a car comes crashing down. first on fox, this thursday night, new comments from president obama about the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya and his administration's response to it. he told john stewart from "the daley show" that the american government is one big praise and sometimes, quote, something screws up. but he is vowing to fix all of it. the 9/11 attack in benghazi killed an ambassador and three others. the presidential debate this week, during it governor romney accused of president
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obama of waiting two weeks to call it an act of terror. the president said he used the words the next day, but republicans point out other officials were telling a different story even days later. your fox top story and ed henry is on live in new york. the president is still dealing with this question. >> he is. when you talk to the president's campaign advisors he got the better of the exchange with mitt romney. nonetheless, they know that while they believe he looked like a statesman, he was showing leadership. he was showing up for his diplomats. there were so many confusing stories they have to clean it up. take a listen to what he said. quote, we weren't confused about the fact that four americans were not killed. we needed to ramp up diplomatic security around the world right after it happened. i wasn't confused by the fact that we had to investigate what happened, and i wasn't confused about the fact we will hunt down who ever did it and bring them to justice. the other question, of course,
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how exactly are we going to fix it. the president says, if four americans are killed, it is not optimal. we will fix it. john stewart asked all of it? and he said all of it. what happened during the course of the presidency is the government is a big operation and at any given time something screws up, you make sure you find out what is broken and you fix it. that's the danger for the president. while they still believe they make the allegation and mitt romney was playing politics and the president can stand above that. it has become a political issue. they have to deal with it because it cuts to the heart of did this mismanagement -- did they mismanage this? >> and if you are on the president's team, you have to get past this. what is the thinking on how you do that? >> they have a debate, and they know it will be about foreign policy. it was half domestic policy and half foreign policy. that's why the president was pressed by libya by the undecided voter. they are feeling in the obama camp that when this comes into the spotlight again next monday in florida, if the president does more of what he did in this interview and
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really lays out what he knew when he knew it, they believe maybe they can get past it. certainly the romney campaign has other ideas. >> they certainly do. this has never happened in the race for the white house. governor mitt romney leads the president by seven points. there is a tracking poll of voters. that's the biggest lead yes and outside the margin of error. ten days ago the two were dead even. they did the new survey mostly before the second debate. the real race is closer. governor romney has a one-point lead there. the president and governor will be speaking at the same event in new york city tonight. we are expecting a lighter mood than we saw the other night. this is a mount in the polls. >> it is. no challenger in a
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presidential race has been above 50% at this juncture three weeks out and lost. so historically very, very good news for mitt romney, and he has the added benefit of expanding the battle grounds now. the state of wisconsin has been put up to a toss up column. so when a challenger is expanding the battlefield, creating more oxygen and playing field for himself, big sign, today mr. romney, doing debate prep with the president. his wife anne was on "the view", and while all of that was happening the president was in new hampshire ripping up mr. romney again and going after his credibility. listen. >> you've got a tax plan that doesn't add up. he has a jobs plan that doesn't create jobs. he has a deficit plan that doesn't reduce the deficit. listen, new hampshire, you have heard of the new deal? you heard of the square deal and the fair deal? mitt romney is trying to sell
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you a sketchy deal. >> you notice these debates lately? have you noticed something? president obama is not telling you what his second term plan would be. he is not saying that he is offering anything new. all he is offering is four more years of the same. >> tough choice when you are a voter and mr. romney says his plans are false and mr. ryan says mr. obama's plans are all failed. thas the choice the two present and they will do so on monday night. romney only has one other event and that's tomorrow night in daytona beach. >> that should be interesting. the vice president was out on the trail today, and he got a little bit mixed up on the wars. >> he did. he was throwing grenades so to speak rhetorically at mr. romney and started asking whether or not voters believed mr. romney's plan to keep spending where it is in the military as opposed to some of
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the defense cuts mr. obama has propose said a good idea or bad idea, and then he asked this question about whether they had served in two countries. watch. >> having been in afghanistan 20 times and my son serving there. the sacrifices. how many know somebody who served in iraq or iran? how many of you know someone who has been injured or lost this iraq and eye reason? and iran. >> that's the thing where if he said it in the vice presidential debate last week it would have been a disaster. there have not been any troops in iran in decades, if ever really. >> the president and the governor are here for the al smith dinner about 9:00 eastern and 8:00 central. we will be streaming it live if you would like to ouch what. and next week -- like to watch. next week you can see the third debate here on fox
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newschannel. it is set for 9:00 eastern, 8:00 central. we plan to be there and "fox report" live from boca raton, florida. some 14,000 pages of boy counts counts -- boy scouts so-called perversion files are very much public. oregon supreme court ordered the scouting officials to hand over the documents that detail accusations of child sex abuse. these records show that in more than a third of these cases nobody contacted police. what is more, law enforcement officers sometimes looked the other way. apparently to protect the boy scouts' legacy at the expense of the young boys themselves. the court ordered the released of these documents two weeks after a jury saw them as part of a civil lawsuit which the scouts lost. today the attorney for one accuser explained why these records, some of which are 50 years old, are so pornts -- so important today.
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>> the secrets are out. child abuse thrives in secrecy. and secret systems are where it breeds. and these secrets are out. >> the president of the boy scouts released a statement which reads in part, there have been instances where people misuse their positions in scouting to abuse children. in certain cases our response to these incidents and our efforts to protect youth were plainly insufficient, inappropriate and wrong. hundreds of people have been sickened and some have died after the outbreak of meningitis that is sweeping parts of the nation. now the feds confirmed the source of the infections. plus a look at the first symptoms if you think you are getting sick. and for 80 years, news week has published a magazine. now that's about to be over. you'll see why you soon won't be able to pick it up at your local news stand or the local airport. that's ahead on this thursday
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fox report.
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the defense of marriage law is unconstitutional. that is the ruling from a federal appeals court in new york in a legal battle that is already headed to the u.s. supreme court. the law defines marriage as one between a man and a woman which means the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriages. an appeals court in boston has also ruled that law unconstitutional. legal experts say they expect the supreme court to hear the case within the next year. lab tests say there is a definite link between the meningitis outbreak and the pharmaceutical company that produced the sainted steroid shots. that's new today. it comes as research shows early detection of this disease. feds raided the massachusetts company the day before yesterday and today the centers for disease control and food and drug administration confirmed finding fungus in unopened
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vials of the medication. the cdc reports more than 250 infections across 16 states, the ones in yellow. new york has reported its first case. health officials say one more person has died bringing the nationwide death toll to 20. elizabeth fran in the newsroom. there is also a new report about diagnosing this thing early. >> that's right. researchers at john hopkins school of medicine show that early diagnosis is vital. a woman in baltimore got sick after steroid injections. she was tested and treated for a variety of infections and even sent home. but it wasn't until the day she died that doctors found the fungus in her spinal fluid. it is important to point out this happened long before we knew about the outbreak. what symptoms are patients having? the cdc says most are experiencing headaches. a third reported fever or nausea , and 17% suffered strokes. some patients had stiffness in
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the neck and legs or sensitivity to light which is most common with meningitis. health officials say watch out for those symptoms. >> what are they saying about the effectiveness of treatment for this disci's? this disease. >> effectiveness, yes. it provides long hospital stays and there is a lot of risk carried with those -- with the treatment. take a listen. >> the most common side affects includes damage to kidney function and liver function. so both have to be monitored very, very carefully with frequent doctor visits. >> since most of the people who did get these contaminated steroid injections are not getting sick, many experts believe that preemptive treatment would do more harm than good like we heard kidney or liver problems. in most cases patients are being told to wait. but if you start to experience any of these very unusual symptoms, shep, contact your physician immediately. >> good advice. and elizabeth, as the deadly west nile virus continues to spread in a big way, the cdc announced that this year 2012
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is the second worst ever for the virus. health officials confirm more than 4500 cases of the mosquito-borne i illness this year. still it was worse in 2003 when we saw nearly 10,000 cases. the areas in red on the map here show the counties with positive test results for this year's virus. you can see it is just about everywhere. the virus killed more than 180 people nationwide. more than a third of the patients are in the state of texas where west nile is active year-round. news week is leaving the news stands after 80 years. executives from the manage announce that they will stop publishing a printed decision next year. instead they plan to switch to an all digital format calls -- called news week global. people will have to pay for subscriptions, but some content will be available on "the daily beast" website. they made a similar move to all digital last year. news week's editor, tina brown, says the magazine will cut jobs when it changes to digital, but she won't say how many.
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in this statement executives say "we are transforming news week, not saying goodbye to it. we remain committed to news week and the journalists that it represents." some high school cheerleaders in texas are likely jumping for joy now that a judge has ruled on whether they can waive banners banners with bible verses during football games. this gridiron battle is not over. and as the old saying goes, timing is everything, especially if you are a woman who dumped a guy shortly before he won $30 million in the lottery. hair what he has to say about that now ex-girlfriend as fox reports live tonight.
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in parts of texas, high school football is, well, bordering on religion. today a court decided god
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deserves a place on the sidelines. hours ago a judge agreed to allow some high school cheerleaders to keep quoting the bible in banners they display during games. district officials previously ordered the teenagers to stop doing that, stop using script tour on the sidelines. the cheerleaders responded with a lawsuit. >> the judges told us at least temporarily that this is the law for this case. we will abide by his ruling. >> we just wanted to encourage our team and the other teams. it turned into a lot bigger deal than they expected. >> the judge's decision today is not the last word. chris gallagher now. >> it is good for the reipped maker of the year -- for the remainder of the year. the opposing team will also have bible versus on their banners. freedom from religion has sent a warning letter to that school. then in june this all goes back to court. the school district has requested a jury trial, and
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however it turns out it will be appealed up through the court system. you know back in 2000 the supreme court ruled against another texas high school for leading prayers before the game. this case may end up before the supremes as well. there is free speech -- >> there is free speech versus the separation of church and state. >> and the education code in texas gives students the right to express their religious beliefs which is why rick perry as well as the attorney general of the state got behind the cheerleaders. in fact, the attorney general sent a lawyer to argue on their behalf. now, the school district argued that the state education code was itself unconstitutional, and clearly a judge ruled in favor of the cheerleaders, and here are two of them. listen. >> i think it is unbelievable. i never expected it to become this big at all.
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>> i don't know how i feel. i am just going with the flow. he know what's is going to happen. >> the school district issued a statement saying why it argued is because kuntz must follow all applicable law even if this practice is at times in conflict with personal beliefs of administrators and board members . but a victory tonight for the cheerleaders and the game tomorrow night with religious statements. pieces of rock and metal crash through the earth's atmosphere. that's what an astronomer in oakland says about a major meteor shower that just started lighting up the skies over northern california. witnesses say they could not believe how close it all looked. >> all of a sudden i see this huge -- it looked like a huge rock or meteor or something fly over us. i went like oh my god what is
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that? >> it looked like a movie. it was so you literally see the flames on it. >> forecasters say warm weekend temperatures and cloud free skies mean quite a show for residents the next few days. first we saw a dramatic drop in the number of new jobless claims. and now the new numbers are giving economists another surprise. we will ask what this all means. speaking of surprises, did you hear what happened to google today? a mistake that could cost investors billions of dollars. they even halted trading. that's coming right up as we approach the bottom of the hour.
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?oi right now somewhere in massachusetts lives a woman with the worst timing ever. you see she split up with her boyfriend just before he hit the lotto. >> she broke up with me, but right now i am not worried about it. i was heart broken at first, but now i am getting over it. >> i bet you are. the $16 million he is getting after taxes should help with the break up there. he says he will use some of the cash to go back to college and to buy his family a new home. a rescue chopper pilot says a fisherman almost lost his leg before fishermen plucked him from the sea. that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. >> china, they responded to an sos100 miles north of
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shanghai. they said the fisherman had badly broken his leg after he was tangled in some ropes. one rescuer hauled him up on a stretcher. peru, authorities say a landslide killed seven people, five children as it wrecked homes and trees in the central region. they say more people who are missing may simply have left the village to escape the destruction. tanzania, hundreds of people rioting in the streets and closing shops and blocking roads . they claim police are holding a local leader who has gone missing. police deny and say somebody hacked one officer to death. >> united kingdom. police apologized after tasing a 61-year-old blind man. >> he is sending them and i
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was terrified. >> the cops mistook his walking stick for a samurai sword. >> they cuffed me on the wrist. >> police eventually arrested and released another man in connection with reports of the sword. and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. i am shepherd smith and this is the fox president are. it is the bottom of the hour and here is your diploma, and now hand overall your money. a new report calculates two-thirds of all college graduates last year left school with student loan debt. they owed an average of $26,000 each. that's according to the nonprofit institute for college access and success. the organization revealed that $26,000 figure is the highest it has been since the group started keeping records about seven years ago.
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of course college loan debt is a hot topic on the presidential race right now. >> we have to make sure it it is easy for kids to go to college. >> because of the actions my administration took, millions of students all across the country are paying less for college. >> a lot of students are still leaving college with a lot of debt. and that is only part of the problem with -- that the new graduates face. we go live to washington. rich, insult to injury. a lot of grads can't find work. >> higher unemployment rate, and the report says 8.8% for recent graduates. that was a record setting rate of 9.1%. they have jobs that don't even require a college degree meaning they are likely paid less. the unemployment rate with only those with a high school diploma is more than double
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that of graduates with at least a bachelor's degree. >> you hear about a student loan bubble. anything to that? >> sure, tuition rates are rising and high unemployment means parents are helping kids with a smaller share of their college bills. and a government report says student loan debt has topped a trillion dollars. still analysts say for most students the degree is worth the cost. >> the typical student is still faring reason whree -- reasonably well. they are just obviously growing concerns about the minority. the important minority who have having a harder time. >> they learn a school's total cost including tuition and room and board. >> and there is word of a sharp jump in the people applying for unemployment benefits. but it is not as bad as it looks. the labor department says it rose to 388,000 last week, up 46,000 from the week before. a department spokesman says certain adjustments disready
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toed the -- distorted the numbers and a sharp drop the prior week. a lot of applicants delayed filing until the start of the quarter where it can mean larger checks. in this case california didn't jump until the second week of the quarter. it threw off all of the numbers. make sense? not really. the labor department revised the numbers. >> yes, they are different every week from 342,000 to 339 challenge. no big surprise to economists who are expecting this mystery state to changing their numbers. we could have better numbers in coming weeks. amazon and wal-mart are said to hire 50,000 seasonal workers. target will add 90,000. we will be watching for that. >> we got some great manufacturing news today that we hope will hold. dismie guy federal reserve -- >> federal reserve bank says
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for the first time they have positive manufacturing news. this is something we have been keeping our eyes out for. as you know the global economy is not doing so well, china and europe contracting. this is a critical sector for u.s. in particular because the pay is typically higher. >> drivers drivers are feeling less pain at the pump and the trend should continue. >> a gallon of regular unleaded dropped a couple of cents. it is the 10th straight day of decline. the average is now down 13 cents from last month's seasonal high. the experts say prices typically drop in the fall as refiners switch over to the cheaper fuel blends we use this time of year. but a series of refinery and pipeline problems sent prices soaring as i know you know in recent weeks. a printer's mistake today may have cost google's shareholders billions of dollars. a printer's mistake. the internet giant was going to released its earnings report. instead google executives say the printer released the
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documents this morning. when investors saw the earnings fall short of expectations, the share prices just dived. they dropped 9% before nasdaq halted trading. when the trading kicked up again google recovered some of its losses. in a statement the printer writes, "we are in investigation to see how this took place and ensuing our first obligation which is to serve our valued customer." the man the feds accuse i had -- accused of bombing the building in manhattan studied cyber security before he made his move. we will hear from one of his neighbors. and the nfl's most famous back up quarterback might be expanding his resume. why we could be seeing tim tebow in a whole new role this weekend. that's coming up.
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the man accused of trying to bomb the new york federal reserve building in manhattan studied cyber security. that is according to a spokesperson. the feds arrested the 21-year-old bangladesh man yesterday after he tried to detonate what he reportedly thought was a van filled with explosives. an informant gave him fake bomb supplies. he was man who traveled on a student visa. he attended southeast missouri state this past spring. neighbors say they are shocked. >> i can't actually believe that a terrorist would actually live across the street from where i am living right now. it is just scary. >> the suspect's parents deny their son is a terrorist, and they claim they spent their entire life savings to send him to the united states so he could study business administration.
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>> new scenes of death and destruction in syria. activists report deadly airstrikes in the north of the war torn country. amateur video appears to show people digging for survivors in the rubble of the aftermath. >> i was at the bakery getting them bread. look at my head. >> but opposition activists claim the latest round of attacks killed more than three dozen people adding to what they estimate as 33,000 dead in the on going conflict. fox news can't confirm that. they call the rebel fighters terrorists. the state-run news agency they burned up oil, and all amid new efforts at a peace deal. jonathon hunt is live downstairs, and it seems it is getting its hands on much more sophisticated weapons. >> there is growing evidence that some among the rebel groups are now getting their hands on the sort of sophisticated surface to air missiles that they can use to
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bring down government helicopters and even warplanes. they are not going to shed any tears, but given they have acknowledged that there are al-qaeda elements operating in syria, the concern is exactly who is going to end up with their hands on these dangerous weapons. >> particularly as these groups marph and change, and as extremists try to make end roads with groups on the ground, particularly as iran continues, there are arm support and the growth on the ground that we have to be vigilant together. >> it is all part of the dilemma of syria. who and what will ultimately replace president asan.
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>> we report daily on the war. but of great concern now, there is a somewhat mysterious disappearance of more people. >> 30,000 dead is the latest figure by human rights groups. but they are saying that is almost matched by the number of disappeared. it is now at 28,000. many allegedly at the hands of a militia. all of this happening as the senior u.n. officials themselves admit the international community is utterly failing the syrian people. listen. >> the international community is enabling the suffering and helping create the circumstances of the conflict. >> they will travel to damascus in the next few days to present a new peace plan
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and cease-fire proposal. he may be the only person who has a hope of the cease-fire taking hold. >> jonathon hunt in new york city. john, thanks. the head of the power of the senate intelligence committee says she has no doubt that last month's deadly attack on the u.s. consulate is an act of terror. militants killed four and they stormed the compound on 9/11. they say it may have been a hasty operation. it is not something that had been planned for a longtime. regardless, the california democratic senator dianne feinstein says the united states could have done more to help prevent this attack. >> i think we do know what happened now. there is no question, but it was a terrorist attack. there is no question, but the obscurity was inadequate. and i think there is no question we need to work on our intelligence. >> feinstein wept on to blame the -- went on to blame the
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director for the assessment he first gave law makers. >> it is my understanding we may have information on who orchestrated the attack. >> the leader of the briggade, and this is a group that wants to establish an islamic state that follows strict law and it is described as one of the leading suspects who commanded the attack, quote, he is the one to watch. he said he was at the scene and leading the assault. he is considered a hard core islamist who was imprisoned under the libyan dictator and he was a leading figure in the uprising. he has gone on to command a ruthless militia. he has not been seen significantly since the attack on the consulate. >> what are your sources saying about the militant attack, why they attacked the consulate? >> two military sources say the attack on benghazi may have been preemptive and may have driven them from benghazi
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, and the growing presence at the end. the ied planted in the ledge of the perimeter wall was a probing attack to measure the u.s. response. this incident coupled with the attacks on the international red cross and the rpg attack on the british ambassador that lead the british to leave benghazi have a broader effort by the affiliate to establish this islamic state in eastern libya. >> do you believe the attack was an effort to drive the influence out of eastern libya and specifically this growing cia presence? >> that's a big part of it. i don't think they want the western influence there. i think they said you are unwelcome, go away. and therefore when we are unwelcome, we can expect rough treatment. >> tonight the cia had no public commenting on our reporting, shep. >> thanks. fox newschannel is devoting an hour of prime time tomorrow to the libya attack. a special report investigation tomorrow at 10 eastern, 9
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central. investigators in an all important swing state now looking into possible cases of voter fraud. this time they want to know if suspects voted twice in a past election. plus, the feds have a new plan to crackdown on texting while driving. give states money to see whether police spotters up on a highway overpass might be able to catch you as you text or something.
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review of possible voter fraud in the crucial battleground state of florida. law enforcement officials say two people may have voted twice in a previous election, two of them. once in florida and once in
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other states. steve is in our south florida newsroom. two cases, where do they stand? >> shepherd, a watchdog organization has turned over the names of 36 people it says voted twice in a previous federal election. once in florida and at the same time in a second state. so far state officials have found enough evidence in two of those cases to turnover to law enforcement officials. it is a felony for fraud in a federal election punishable by five years in prison. >> aside from florida's status, why is it getting so much attention as a site of two people double voting. >> possible in florida for a number of reasons. first the snowbirds, people who have a second home in florida. also absentee balloting makes it easier to vote where are you not. and in florida you can use your passport for voter id at the polls. and most important, florida is not part of a national registry of voter registration id.
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>> steve, thank you. distracted drivers in the states of massachusetts and connecticut may soon find it more difficult to fly under the radar. the feds are granting each state more than a quarter million dollars to try and stop people from texting while they drive. the money is to pay for media campaigns aimed at drivers who text and for police spotters on highway overpasses so they can watch out for drivers typing away on the phones. the department of transportation reports more than 3,000 people died in some sort of distracted driving related incident in the year 2010. a speeding car rolls off the side of a highway and nearly takes out a state trooper and that tops our news across america. washington, dash cam video shows the officer walking back to his car after helping another driver who had gone off that road. you can then see him run on to the interstate as a car loses control and smashes into
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another vehicle. >> the only thought that went through my mind is run and don't slip. anybody seeing a $5,000 vehicle vehicle -- a 5,000-pound vehicle rolling at you is extremely terrifying. >> it is the second time in 16 months that a car has nearly killed him during a highway traffic stop. florida, security cameras caught a defendant storming out of a courtroom and running at cops. it happened in the middle of his sentencing forgiving police false information. one officer kurt capturing the guy who now faces new charges including battery of an officer and resisting arrest. arizona a month of planning paid off as a soldier surprised her mother with a visit to her hometown of scottsdale. the plan was to tell mom she would be accepting a reward on her daughter's behalf. the army communication specialist spoke to her mother by speaker phone, and then at the last minute the soldier
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daughter popped out. she is on a two-week leave from afghanistan and plans to take the whole family to an nfl game next week. and that's the fox watch. tim tebow has always been a quarterback who can run. and this sunday we may see a few more snaps at him at running back. a couple of the jet backs are really -- jetses backs are really banged up and rex ryan says it is possible tebow may take a few handoffs for the green. tebow has power and the back up qb knows all of the informations. all of the positions. so far tim has run the ball 18 times for 64 yards. some folks live by an all important rule, if your food falls on the floor you have five seconds to pick it up and eat it. scientists have put that to the test, believe it or not. the not so surprising answer to the five-second rule. that's next.
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next time you drop your cheetoe on the floor, you can forget the five-second rule. the germ maze have already done their damage. the clorox cleaning company paid for a study at san diego state, and they tested the five-second rule by dropping carrots and popcorn as you can see here, and he say the germs attach -- and they say the germs uh statute in-- attach instantly like status electricity. >> these baby carrots went to two homes and put them on four surfaces. guess what, they showed that if those baby carrots carrot were on the floor they picked up bacteria. >> the research has identified the worst places for the popcorn to fall. the kitchen counter is probably dirtier than your carpet. the base jumper in norway was preparing for a television
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stunt and he tumbled off a 4,000 foot cliff. instead he barely missed the rock face as he fell there. the guy did manage to open his parachute and he is okay. the host of the tv show says it is the worst thing he has ever experienced at work. before we go our top five things for the day. the tigers humiliated the yankees, a sweep of the yankees. and millions took cover in the great shakeout. and number three, a u.s. army court of appeals has ruled the military can forcibly shave a beard off this suspected it shooter. and health officials say they found the same fungus that sickened many with meningitis.
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and number one a 2012 college graduate owes 5% more in 2010. that's the fox report's top five. and on this day in 1985 our nation's thumb strength began to improve when nintendo launched its first gaming system here in the u.s. at the time americans were showing signs of video game fatigue with atari sales falling quickly. but the nintendo entertainment system touted new accessories including a toy gun for hunting ducks. and a robot that played along. the system was slow to catch on until the next year when the japanese company first introduced everybody to supermario. time magazine says that was the video game boom. gamers first blue into their nintendo cartridges 27 years ago today.
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and now you know the news for this thursday, october 18th, 2012. i am shepherd smith. we are back tomorrow noon pacific and 3:00 eastern. president obama and governor romney each will speak at the same dinner, the al smith dinner in new york city. hannity will have it live on fox news channel and fox right now, this is bill. "the o'reilly factor" is on. >> i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks. i brought binders full of women. >> binders full of women? apparently that has angered some liberal ladies. but why? what is wrong with that? we will have a special report. >> if, you, don't, trust, me, with, my, body, why, should, i, trust, you, with, me, my, country. >> and as they are catching the women's boat it is t


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